100 francs Type 1898 (1906-1908)


Pick: #70 , The Banknote Book: B531 , Other: #M052

Reference list


Belgium. National Bank of Belgium. 1905-1926 issue. Banknote issued between 15-03-1906 and 21-12-1908. Removed from circulation on 09-10-1944. 100 francs Type 1898 (1906-1908), (Ref. TBB: # B531 or Pick: # 70). Designed by Constant Montald and engraved by Édouard Biet. Dimensions: 180 x 103 mm. Printer: National Bank of Belgium. No security thread. Watermark: National Bank of Belgium and head of Minerva. Front and back: polychromy print with dominant brown-red, green and black. Description of the front: All texts are in French. On the left in the upper part, Ceres riding chariot (Quadriga) drawn by four horses over a rich graphic composition in which we guess a group of four women. In the center, the Belgian lion is lying on a pedestal with the text of the Law printed in an orange frame below. On the right in the upper part, Neptune with his trident riding another chariot (Quadriga) drawn by four horses over a composition identical to that on the left with four other women. This note is the first to bear the label "National Bank of Belgium". The value, date, banknote number and signatures are printed in black. The note includes two types of signatures with The Treasurer, Camille Tschaggeny and The Governor, Théophile de Lanstsheere. Description of the back: The texts are printed in Dutch. The back is printed in pale green and yellow and is made up of a group of four women who illustrate the four seasons of the year with pruning, sowing, wheat harvesting and harvesting. We find the text of the law printed in Dutch at the bottom of the composition. No specimen known for Type. Known series: 055 to 183.

Banknotes :National Bank of Belgium (1905-1926)

pick#67 20 francs type 1894
pick#68 50 francs type 1909
pick#69 100 francs type 1869 (1905-1906)
pick#70 100 francs type 1898 (1906-1908)
pick#71 100 francs type 1898 (1909-1913)
pick#72 500 francs type 1887 (1910-1925)
pick#74 5 francs type 1914 Émission d'Anvers
pick#75 5 francs type 1912 Émission de Bruxelles
pick#76 20 francs type 1914 Anvers
pick#77 50 francs type 1914 Anvers
pick#78 100 francs type 1898 (1914-1920)
pick#79 100 francs type 1914 Ostende-Anvers
pick#73/#80 1000 francs type 1869 (1909-1921)
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