1,000 francs France back Type 1945


Pick: #125 , Other: VF.27

Reference list


408 copies in inventory (January 12, 2021) 

VF.27.01Serial # only164(1)
VF.27.02Block #294(2)
VF.27.03Block #3139(3)
VF.27.04Block XS11(4)

(1) Smallest known number: 00625798. Largest known number: 98663888.
(2) Smallest known number: 02435796. Largest known number: 99705210.
(3) Smallest known number: 00231921. Largest known number: 49825286.
(4) List of the 11 known banknotes: X 00089908, X 00025904, X 00123770, X 00185921, X 00361906, X 00708273, X 01002748, X 01240923, X 01240924, X 01255803 and X 01437327. The copy X 00361906 is perforated " SPECIMEN "horizontally.

Note: a faulty banknote with a lack of red color was offered for sale on ebay for € 800 by Palombo House in November 2015 (ebay item: 191732208551).

Banknotes :American Impressions (1944-1945)

pick#114 2 francs Drapeau type 1944
pick#115 5 francs Drapeau type 1944
pick#116 10 francs Drapeau type 1944
pick#117 50 francs Drapeau type 1944
pick#118 100 francs Drapeau type 1944
pick#119 500 francs Drapeau type 1944
pick#120 1000 francs Drapeau type 1944
pick#121 5000 francs Drapeau type 1944 non émis
pick#122 50 francs Verso France type 1945
pick#123 100 francs Verso France type 1945
pick#124 500 francs Verso France type 1945
pick#125 1000 francs Verso France type 1945
pick#126 5000 francs verso France type 1945 non émis
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