1,000 Pesetas Type 1874


Pick: #5 , The Banknote Book: B447

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Spain. First Republic. Bank of Spain. 1874 Issues. Date: 01.07.1874. Dimensions: 204 x 121 mm. Material: paper. Watermark: 1000. No security thread. 129,000 issued notes. Printer: Banco de España. Front printing in black and back in purple and orange. Texts in Spanish. Description of the front: frame composed of small floral patterns with the value "1000" in the lower corners. In the center at the top, the value "1000" in a medallion and the banknote number in black on the sides. Below, the issuing institute "EL BANCO DE ESPAÑA", "Pagará al portador (will pay to the bearer)", the value in letters "MIL PESETAS", then the place and date of issue. On the left, a young standing woman (helmeted Minerva) holds a spear in her hand. Counterfoil at left with “BANCO DE ESPAÑA” in vertical. The signatures are printed in black at the bottom. A single combination of signatures with El Gobernador (The Governor), El Interventor (The Comptroller) and El Cajero (The Cashier). Description of the back: purple frame composed of small guilloche patterns with the letters "M" and "MIL" in the corners and on the sides. In the center, a series of portraits of a woman in profile. "BANCO DE ESPAÑA" vertically on the sides of the frame. A proof of the front with large margins is known without overload, without signature of the Cashier without perforation and without numbering.

Banknotes :Bank of Spain (1874)

pick#1 25 Pesetas type 1874
pick#2 50 Pesetas type 1874
pick#3 100 Pesetas type 1874
pick#4 500 Pesetas type 1874
pick#5 1000 Pesetas type 1874
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