5 Dollars Type 2002


Pick: #101 , The Banknote Book: B364 , Other: #BC-62

Reference list


Canada. Bank of Canada. 2001-2006 Issue. 5 Dollars Type 2002. Work by Jorge Peral, Artistic Director at the Bank of Canada. Date of introduction: 27-03-2002. Dimensions: 152 x 70 mm. No watermark. No security thread. Two printers: "H" prefixes for Canadian Bank Note Company, Limited (CBNC) and "A" prefix for British American Bank Note Company, Limited (BABNC). Front and back: Multicolored print predominantly blue, yellow and purple. Texts in English and French. Description of the front: in order to give full space to the entirely computerized graphic composition, all the legal texts of the issuing institute "BANK OF CANADA - BANQUE DU CANADA" and "CE BILLET A COURS LEGALL - THIS NOTE IS LEGAL TENDER Have been grouped on the left side in vertical with the Canada Coat of Arms logo printed in smaller on the bottom. There is also the value "5" printed in white on the upper left. The portrait, even more imposing than in the previous series, is now placed on the left half of the vignette with the face turned to the right. This is Sir Henry Charles Wilfrid Laurier, statesman, 7th Prime Minister of Canada from 1896 to 1911 and the first French-speaking one to hold this position. In the center, the word "CANADA", the value in two languages, then a front view of the west building of the Parliament of Ottawa and on the right, the name of the building in English and French written continuously and smaller and smaller inside a white rectangle. Below right, the value "5" is printed in dark blue in large size on a white gradient background with the two signatures printed in purple below. Two variants of signatures are known with The Deputy Governor and The Governor. In the elaborate graphics of the background, we can guess the presence of iridescent maple leaves and a Canadian flag. Description of the back: the value "5" is printed in white in large font in the upper left corner and repeated in smaller in dark blue in the opposite corner. The back image depicts some Canadian winter sport activities with a group of children playing hockey on a frozen lake. Another boy is sledding and one last child with an adult seems to be starting ice skating. In the middle, a bilingual quote from Roch Carrier's book "Le Chandail de hockey" publish in 1979. At the bottom, the serial number is printed twice in black with the barcode for the blind. The specimen is known with two vertical "SPECIMEN" overprints in red and numbered twice in black "ANV0000000" on the back.

Banknotes :Bank of Canada (2001-2006)

pick#101 5 Dollars type 2002
pick#101A 5 Dollars type 2006
pick#102 10 Dollars type 2001
pick#102A 10 Dollars type 2005
pick#103 20 Dollars type 2004
pick#104 50 Dollars type 2004
pick#105 100 Dollars type 2004
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