The French banknote school as a work of art ends definitively with this new issue. The style of the banknotes cuts radically with the previous notes by a less detailed drawing and dull and sad colors. It is also a turning point in the representation of famous people on the banknotes of the Banque de France. It is clear that since the 60s, the great French writers are very predominantly represented: Hugo, Voltaire, Racine, Corneille and finally Pascal. So, no doubt to compensate for this literary hegemony, the new issue sees the advent of the artistic figures of Music and Painting with the 10 francs Type 1972 Berlioz (Pick : #150), the 20 francs Type 1980 Debussy (Pick : #151), the 50 francs Type 1976 Quentin de La Tour(Pick : #152) and the 100 francs Type 1978 Delacroix (Pick : #153 and #154). Only two writers survive in this series: the 200 francs Type 1981 Montesquieu(Pick : #155) and the 500 francs Type 1968 Pascal (Pick : #156). All these banknotes are designed by the artist Lucien Fontanarosa, except the 200 francs Montesquieu created by the artist Pierrette Lambert. This one still elaborated two magnificent banknotes which will remain unfortunately not issued: the 500 francs Type 1986 Renaissance « non émis » and the 1000 francs Type 1980 Médiéval « non émis ». In terms of technological evolution, this issue is also the first to use a new type of offset printing and to innovate on fiducial protection with a security thread incorporated in the 20 francs Debussy Type 1980. Some notes have a lifetime very short as the 10 francs Berlioz, replaced by a coin of 10 francs and others a long life span, like the 500 francs Pascal issued in 1969 and deprived of legal tender in ... 1997!