In 1955, a "Public Treasury" issue was created solely for the French Forces stationed in Germany (FFG). Only the 100 franc note (Pick #M9) from the previous issue is kept, however, with some modifications made on the new note 100 francs Public Treasury(Pick #M11): the mention "French Treasury" is replaced by the mention "Public Treasury" printed at right, the value passing to the left of the portrait of the young Roman god Mercury. The notice of validity "this banknote is valid only in the occupied territories" is replaced by a new notice "valid in Germany for the French Forces and persons authorized by them". A 500 francs note showing the Type of the 100 francs Public Treasury is also designed and printed, but it is put in reserve. Finally, two unpublished notes drawn by the French artist and sculptor Louis Pierre Rigal complete this issue: a 1000 francs Public Treasury (Pick #M12) and a 5000 francs Public Treasury (Pick #M13). All banknotes are without dates and without signatures. At the beginning of the year 1960, France moves to the "New Franc". The 1000 francs Public Treasury (Pick #M14a) and the 5000 francs Public Treasury (Pick #M15) as well as the 500 francs Public Treasury (Pick #M14) set aside in 1955 are then overprinted with a red counter-mark "Counter-value of ... New Francs " printed on the watermark. In 1963, a 50 francs Public Treasury (Pick #M15a) taking the 5000 francs Public Treasury is printed with the date of 1st January 1963 but will never be issued ... However, since 2005, few rare copies have appeared!