Banknotes of the Republic of Korçë 1916-1920  (1916-1920)

It is first to help the Serbian army that the French engage in Macedonia. The city of Korçë in the south-east of Albania is occupied by the Greeks. With the help of the local population, the city is taken over by the French army. Colonel Descoins is responsible for placing this territory under French administration. It is the Republic of Korçë. An issue of notes is created and pledged on the French Treasury bonds. In 1917, two first bilingual French / Albanian banknotes were issued: 1/2 franc (Pick: S141, S143 and S145) and 1 franc (Pick: S142, 144 and 146), printed in three series dated 01/03/1917 , of 25/03/1917 and 10/10/1917. In 1918, two other banknotes (only in Albanian) were issued: 0.50 Gjysme fringe (Pick: S147, S149 and S151) and 1 Nje fringe (Pick: S148, S150 and S152). Finally, in March 1920, two banknotes were issued for the territory of Koritza: 50 centimes (Pick: S153) and 1 franc (Pick: S154). Finally, three notes of 0.50, 2 francs and 5 francs are issued between April and August 1920, but unknown to date. In December 1920, present-day Albania is recognized as a sovereign state.

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