The Chamber of Commerce of the French Settlements in Oceania was created in 1880 and is made up of 12 members elected by local business leaders. Since an Decree dated May 20, 1904, The Bank of Indo-China is the only banking institution able to issue banknotes. However, at the end of the First World War, the lack of small currency is felt in the Tahitian archipelago. By a Decree dated December 29, 1919, the local authorities were then led to authorize the Chamber of Commerce to issue, exceptionally and as a matter of urgency, a series of four money vouchers of 25 cents, 50 cents, 1 franc and 2 francs. These vouchers were printed locally in Papeete at the beginning of 1919 for an amount of 30,000 francs. But the emission is far too low and the card stock used is quite poor. These vouchers were quickly replaced by a new issue of 300,000 francs, this time including an elaborate graphic sticker, and the banknotes were produced in the United States by the Halpin Lithograph Company printing company in San Francisco. The bank of Indo-China will however guarantee this issue by a cash deposit of value equivalent to the totality of the amounts issued for the Chamber of Commerce of Papeete.