10 tomans type 1890 Iran


Pick: #4 , The Banknote Book: B106

Liste des références

Autres billets de Imperial Bank of Persia (1889-1932)

pick#1 1 toman
pick#2A 3 tomans
pick#2 2 tomans
pick#3 5 tomans type 1890
pick#4 10 tomans type 1890
pick#5 20 tomans type 1890
pick#6 25 tomans type 1890
pick#7 50 tomans type 1890
pick#8 100 tomans type 1890
pick#11 1 toman
pick#12 2 tomans
pick#13 5 tomans
pick#14 10 tomans type 1924
pick#15 20 tomans type 1924
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